Something I’m finding more often lately are team projects created without the SQL Reports folder. While this may be your intention, usually I find people expected it to be created when the used the web based user interface in TFS 2017 to create their new team project.
if you look at the following screenshot, notice there is no mention of SQL Reporting Services?
Using this interface to create a new team project does not create the reports folder for your new team project. If you use Team Explorer in Visual Studio to create your new team project, the reports folder will be created and the default reports added.
So, how can we add the reports to an existing team project in TFS 2017?
Microsoft has provided a command line tool called TFSConfig that can do many things including create the reports folder for existing team projects.
To add the reports folder use the following steps.
- Log onto your TFS 2017 server
- Open a command prompt as an administrator
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 15.0\Tools directory
- Enter the following command, entering the appropriate values for each parameter.
TFSConfig addprojectreports /collection:”http://tfsmain:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection” /teamproject:”Payroll” /template:”Agile”
The parameters shown above that you need to update are as follows.
/template:”Agile, Scrum, CMMI or a customised template if you’ve made one”
That’s it. The command will report its progress and output to the screen and a log file as it goes. It generally takes 30-45 seconds to complete.